Capturing your e-receipts is a fast, easy, affordable way to eliminate paper clutter from your home or office, amp up your organization, and cut the time it takes to do your taxes in half.

The benefits of capturing receipts via your smartphone or desktop scanner include:

Instant digitization

When you scan your receipts or snap a picture of them using a smartphone app like the one available from Shoeboxed, all of the information on the receipt becomes instantly digitized. This means that you’ll be able to search for purchases and transactions by date, amount, category, and even individual items. Cloud-based applications like Shoeboxed ensure that all of your expense information is available at the touch of a button. More »

Keeping track of your business receipts used to be one of the biggest challenges of business. How are you supposed to stay organized on the go while collecting paper receipts that either get lost, smudged, or crumpled at the bottom of your briefcase or purse? You really don’t want to carry your hefty business receipt books with you all over. More »

(Courtesy of sercasey)

Spreadsheets have always been the go-to method for managing business revenues and expenses. For years, tools like Microsoft Excel, FileMaker Pro and OpenOffice have been coveted financial management tools for small business owners looking to organize their finances.

The reason these tools remain relevant even today is because they make it very simple to add, filter and manipulate the data within them. Even with the advent of cloud based solutions like Google Docs, which allows multiple users to change data within spreadsheets in real time, there are lots of other tricks to make your business expense spreadsheet more functional and easier to manage. More »